We watched the Menomonee Falls parade again this year. We went with some friends from Joe's school. We got bags for the kids to collect candy, but most of the candy had been tossed out already (we were toward the end of the parade route) Instead, the boys used the bags as hats. Left to right: Patrick, Jonah, Luke and Joseph.

Even Andrew stuck the bag on his own head!

Joe didn't like the booms from the drums whenever a band would go by.

Andrew, on the other hand, was facinated.

This little community is a bit nuts about their parade. This sign hangs all year. Yes, people do stake out spots that far in advance. It's like a mad rush July 2 at 7 pm. We were fortunate to be invited to share space with some families from our friends' parish. Otherwise, we would have been stuck on 36 inches of corner curb like last year.

We didn't stay for the fireworks, but we did see them a little from our friends' house. It wasn't too loud for the kids and they could see most of the sparkle. From left to right: Luke, Jonah, Joseph, Scott, Andrew and Aaron.

The cutest part of the night is when we saw the fireworks off in the distance. Docile and quiet little Andrew went nuts! He started yell-babbling and pointing with delight. He was saying "Arga bluu! Bab ga! Managa!!" It was like he was saying, "Hey guys!! Check it out! Those cool lights over there! Look now, so you don't miss it!"

Here he is again in his real 4th of July outfit. So cute! Thanks, Aunt Janelle (who, by the way, is on her way back home from Afghanistan for a month).