Friday, July 10, 2009

Littlest League

Joe started "Little League" at our church. It's not so much a league with real games, etc, but more like a big practice and scrimmage that the whole family can attend. Whatever kids show up that day, they separate by age, and whatever parents show up, they dole out as coaches. Then, they just play! (Joe has on the white hat)
Half way through, Joe excitedly exclaimed to one of the coaches, "I'm having so much fun!"
We tried soccer last year and that was a little too much for him (plus, it was right when Andrew was born) We also tried swim lessons for him, but I think we were trying all of these things too early for him. He protested and cried a bit (who knows why, maybe tired?) when we told him about playing baseball, but he recovered well and was ready to go when it was time.

He came home just beaming. The stop for "fudge hot sundaes" at McDonald's probably didn't hurt, either!


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