Thursday, February 12, 2009

What A Woman Wants

The boys have really been cracking me up lately.  
Joe's latest joke: 
 "Knock, knock."  
"Who's there?" 
"Phyllis who?" 
"Phyllis Mac and Cheese"  (peals of laughter)
If anyone can figure this one out, or the two knock knock jokes he may have combined to come up with this one, please leave your suggestion.
Speaking of senses of humor, I love watching children develop their senses of humor.  Right now, the house is overwhelmed with potty humor.  "Poop" is the punch line to almost all jokes and is the silly additive to any song lyrics.  However, that is not the part I love.  What is so interesting to me is the beginning part - what Andrew is going through.  A few weeks ago, Joe walked up to him with a blanket on his head.  It made Andrew laugh out loud.  It was something out of the ordinary, and he recognized it as funny.  So far, it has only been tickling or silly, exaggerated faces that got the chortles.  Is is just me or is he advanced?  Pretty soon, he will be picking up irony and hyperbole.
I am amazed at how much alike Andrew and Joseph are.  I have recently noted that Andrew may be left-handed like Joe.  They were both calm and smiley babies, and they both have dry skin issues, among other similarities.  Andrew more so, but that's probably because we're up here now, when we spent Joe's baby-hood in a humidified house in IA.  Okay, long intro to a semi-funny story.  I was slathering lotion on Andrew and decided Joe could use a little slather, too.  He protested, but I won out in the end and lotioned his back.  He was super mad at me and fell to the ground on his back and wiped off the lotion with the carpet (imagine a bear scratching his back on a tree... it was that motion.)  The little turkey!
Since the twins still have their dairy allergy, we're still reading labels and obsessing about ingredients.  Scott accidently picked up a cake mix at the store that he didn't read thoroughly enough.  I set it on the counter to give away, and Luke found it.  
"Mommy!  Let's make this cake!''  
"Sorry, Luke, that will make you sick" 
"No it won't - (Sniffing the box) See, there's not milk in it!"
Scott was asking the boys what they thought I would want for my birthday.
Luke:  "She wants Little Einsteins Christmas Wish!" (his current heart's desire)
Scott (trying another approach): "Maybe not.  What are some things mommy likes to do?"
Joe:  "Clean!!!"
Scott:  "Sure, what else?"
Joe:  "Sweep!  Dust!"
Scott:  "Uh, how about other kinds of things mommy likes to do,"
Joe:  "Pick up toys!"
Finally, it took me a month, but I finally figured out Luke's "skunk in your ear" comment.  I think he meant to say "gunk."  Duh.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

A Happy Birthday For Me

Can you beat this picture? Don't you just want to pick up the little bear and snuggle him to pieces?
Lately, Joe has been really loving on Andrew. He's been asking to hold him all of the time, and yesterday, he informed me that when he becomes a daddy, he can take Andrew to the doctor. "When I'm a daddy, Daddy will be a granddad. And when you're bigger, Mommy, you will be a grammie" No offense to my mother-in-law, (Grammie) I'm sure he meant to say older, not bigger!

Yes, I celebrated the third anniversary of my 29th birthday this week. Actually, we celebrated last Saturday with Chipotle, chocolate cake, well-behaved little boys and thoughtful gifts. You can't beat it. As they were singing "Happy Birthday" so sweetly, I had quite the heart swell. What a great gift, a loving husband, four happy, healthy little boys... what more could a woman ask for?
I put the icing on the cake and had Joe spread it. Then, Patrick and Luke were in charge of putting on the candles. As you can see (if you look closely), two of them ended up upside down. It's not so easy to light frosting-covered candle wicks, but we got the job done. Patrick reminded everyone that "we haff to sing first, then mommy blows up the candles"
No, Patrick is not going through premature puberty. That's a chocolate mustache. He got it from taking a bite out of my freshly frosted cake baby's-first-birthday-style. Yum.
There's a ton of funny junk that the kids have been doing and saying lately, but I can't remember them all right now. Frankly, I wrote most of them down on a piece of paper. Then, we had a dinner guest over last night and I frantically hid all of our paper clutter several minutes before he arrived. Nice. That'll teach me to keep a messy house. Tony, Tony, come around....