Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mad for Museums

The butterfly room at the Milwaukee Public Museum was pretty neat. The kids could see butterflies up close and they would occasionally land on them!
Joe inspects some grounded butterflies.

I’ve included this picture of the plastic beetle to remind me of something Joe did. Joseph is basically potty trained, praise God. The week that we got back from KC, he was super-cooperative and ready to wear underwear. No fights, no bargaining. We’ve had a few accidents since then, and if he’s in a pull-up (naps and outings) or a diaper (bedtime) he doesn’t usually use the potty. When we went to the museum that morning, I wondered if he would continue his good training. I left his undies on, but brought a change of clothes just in case. Well, good thing… He was playing on the beetle when he stopped, went behind the beetle and announced, “I haffa go potty, mom!” As I raced to grab him and swoop him to a bathroom, he had already started peeing – a lovely puddle of piddle on the floor behind the big beetle. Nice. I’ll think of it every time I’m at the MPM.
We enjoyed the Betty Brinn Children's museum, too. Here, Joe is playing a set of digitized drums. He was so patient waiting his turn, and just as the little girl in front of him was getting off, another boy pushed in front of him. He was more laid back about it than I was.
Libby plays drive up bank with her dad, Jeff.
For Kolbe, this may have been the culmination of the entire trip to Milwaukee. He had talked about "working on the car" since the parking lot of the museum LAST year. The kids can change the tires, work under the hood, replace the muffler, all sorts of cool mechanic things.

Joe had fun as a mechanic, too. He wasn't interested in the car last year, but this year he really loved playing with the power tools - in Milwaukee red, no less!

5 years ago today...

Five years ago today, my grandmother died. She was a great lady. She was pretty adventurous for a grandma – she loved to travel and dance and, if I remember correctly, she loved Chinese food and pizza. I enjoyed her a lot more as an adult than as a kid. We used to visit and play 10-point pitch. She would tell stories about when she dated as a girl and how strict her parents were. She loved babies and would have loved being around all of her great-grandchildren – 11 of them now.

The day before she died, we were talking about Scott – Scott and I were just dating at the time – and Grandma told me that she had already bought my wedding gift! I expressed surprise, and she just winked and smiled. She really liked Scott. The day she died, Scott had picked me up from work and took me to the hospital to visit her. She was awake and cheerful. Scott had brought her some stargazer lilies. She reminded us that her wedding flowers were lilies and how much she loved them. (Scott was feeling pretty good about all of the brownie points he just scored with my family ;)) She died later that night with most of the family near.

The days and weeks after her death, I knew for sure that I should marry Scott. He had known for a while, but I think Grandma was nudgingme and winking from heaven. Thanks, Grandma!

Sorry for the blurry picture – it’s all I could find.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Birthday Party?

It was no one's birthday in particular, but since the cousins are never together for each others' birthdays, we decided to celebrate while they were here

They had all been playing outside before dinner. It had just rained and, of course, they all wanted to splash around in the little puddles. As if that weren't enough, we topped them of with some messy pizza, ice cream, and Joe's favorite food in the whole world - cake. They were more filthy than they have ever been! We took them outside again after dinner and let them squirt each other with water guns (although that didn't do much good in the clean up effort).

We have been having a great time with our visitors - trips to the museum, the children's museum, the pizza store, the zoo... We're keeping them all quite busy, and they're keeping us up at night! It's just too exciting to sleep when you're sharing your room with your best buddy cousin. The twins and Libby are in the same room, too. Miss Libby is sleeping on a big girl bed for the first time and is doing great, although we have found her in bed with Patrick a few times! Patrick didn't seem to mind, but Luke had some protests. They really like their new "mommy" - she's very good at taking care of them!

We have tons more pictures, but we'll save those for another post.
In other news, the 25th was Aunt Kelli's birthday. This is her first birthday as an official member of the family. Here's our "romantic waterfall picture" taken while Aunt Katie and the rest of the bridal party were getting photos there. Isn't she lovely? (Joe calls that song "Kelli's song") Happy birthday!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Very Vocal

Patrick and Luke have learned some important vocabulary for their future of play... "My turn!" It's very sweet coming out of their mouths after they've been waiting patiently (or not-so-patiently) for a toy or the slide or swing.

They are also getting better at "Peas" (please) and "Gee Goo" (thank you) It really is much easier to give in to a whining and demanding toddler when he attaches a little "peas" at the end of his request. They can say "Hep" (help), too. My new favorite cute thing they say is when they bring me their superhero capes so I can put them on. Patrick says "Hah Whoa" and Luke says "Hoo Whoa" to let me know that they want to be heroes!

Joseph has really started imitating us - not word for word, but he imitates the message. A few examples: I often ask Joe and/or the twins to try a new word, really difficult ones for Joe and just any word for the twins. I heard Joe telling the twins, "It's a marshmallow. Can you say 'marshmallow,' babies?"

It's not so cute when you hear stupid things that you've gotten in the habit of saying: I was singing along to the Humpty Dumpty song when Joe told me, "No singing. Did you hear me? I said NO SINGING, okay?"

When he wants me to do something for him, he's very encouraging. The other day he wanted me to put in his "Cars" video. "C'mon, Mommy. You can do it!"

Some other funny things: "Pew! Somefin' stinks in here!" - going into the twins' room after their naps (when they tend to fill their diapers for the day)

After I told him to go in and help me get the twins up in the morning, he said, "Let's not do it!" I guess he likes his alone time with mommy and daddy.

"This baby is done" - pointing to Patrick after he kept stealing Joe's toy and splashing him in the bathtub.

"I think Megan needs to go to time out" - after a little friend of his wasn't playing their game exactly how he wanted.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Five's a crowd

The cousins in order from youngest to oldest - Luke, Patrick, Libby, Joseph and Kolbe. It was a little snug in that tub!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birthdays and Anniversaries galore

They seem to come in clumps in our family, July and September especially.
On the day of Katie's wedding, we celebrated my sister Janelle's 25th birthday.

Scott's parents, Marvin and Kathy celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on July 8th.

My sister Shannon's birthday was on the 10th. (It was her 29th birthday, of course)

Scott's brother Chris will be 22 on the 13th.

And, finally, the 13th is also my grandfather's 92nd birthday. This is a shot of us with baby Joseph. He's having a big party with all of the relatives this weekend that we will not be able to attend, unfortunately.

Best wishes to you all!! (did I forget anybody??)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Aunt Katie got married!

Scott's family - Grammie, Katie (the beautiful bride!) Granddad, (bottom row l-r) David, Scott, Chris, and Brian.
Joe with flower girl (and second cousin) Clare. How precious are they??

Daddy and Joe - so handsome in their tuxes!
Joe got a new remote control car for being the ring-bearer. It was the lure to get him down the aisle and what kept him from melting down during pictures. Actually, pictures before the wedding. After the wedding, he was a complete mess, but that's another story.
Granddad and Luke prepare for their pictures. The twins wore their fireman helmets in honor of the groom, Michael.
Patrick loads up on pretzels.
Joe had fun taking pictures before the ceremony. Apparently, the uncles were having fun with him, too.
Grammie and mommy - the Joe's-eye-view!
The bridal party during the vows
Joe with the other flower girl, Bella, watching the people inside the church


Scott and Suzanne

Great-Grandma Rita and Fr. Mike

My parents and me at the reception

Scott and Katie enjoyed a dance, actually only a fourth of one. Each of the brothers had a turn. It was a beautiful ceremony and a great party afterward. What a wonderful night!