Bye Bye, Joe Joe
My baby is off – We said goodbye this morning to Scott’s parents and brother, and they took little Joe with them to KC. We will visit in a few days, but it still feels so weird. Mixed emotions – I’m on a little vacation just having the twins (Ha!), but I also really miss him! (It’s only been 4 hours…) They called from the road, and I got to hear Joe on the phone for the first time (I’ve always been the one on the end with him) He was precious, telling me about eating pancakes and listening to the Wiggles CD (poor David having to put up with that!) Then, he ended with “I luff you, bye bye!” It melted my heart!
Lately, he’s been learning by leaps and bounds. His vocabulary just exploded and he is talking more coherently and in sentences (kind of) Some of my favorites: His breakfast request, “No oatmeal, mommy, I want Ice cream” and when he is getting in trouble and is told to go to time out, (picture the saddest little face with big tears coming down) “Big Hug, mommy?” That’s a tough one to say no to.
When we first come into his room in the morning, the greeting has been, “Hi, mommy, hi!” since before the twins were born. The other day, it changed to a hearty, “Good morning!” The other cute thing he did recently was to start hiding. I saw him get into the coat closet and pull the door behind him. After a few seconds, I asked out loud, “where is Joseph?” All I hear is this little giggle in the closet right before he pops his head out and says “Ka-boo!” He just couldn’t help himself – he was so tickled that he was going to surprise us.