Destined for Failure

We haven't updated this blog like we should over the past few weeks. After 5 good years, our digital camera finally crapped out. We just replaced it today, so you can expect more pictures and updates.
What a wonderful Monday. The day started early – Scott was starting his new position this morning and the twins were up at 6. I got inspired to bathe them – not a small task when Joe is awake, really not a small task no matter what! I packed them all up and loaded them in the car for our first outing alone. One of the ladies in our new parish has a Rosary on Monday mornings and children are welcome. Since she has 10 kids of her own, I wasn’t the least bit worried about burdening anyone by bringing my brood! (That sentence sure had a lot of B’s in it…) It was wonderful. The women were mostly older than me, but maybe one or two were my age and there were eight or so kids – all of which were very well behaved. I think Joe had fun, too. The ladies volunteered to hold the babies, so it was actually a peaceful time for me. It was the perfect first outing. I was very proud of myself!
Not a happy camper
Worth all of the trouble for this lollipop!
On mom’s side, he enjoyed tearing up Grandma and Grandpa’s house with cousin Kolbe. He continues to think Libby is his girlfriend. He loves to give Libby kisses, and he picked up another delightful activity – shoving. We suspect Kolbe taught him. Kolbe certainly got his punishment, though, since Kolbe was the only one he really tried out his new skill on.
Shannon and I had a chance to take the three older kids to the park to feed the ducks (again, the same type of feeding as before, with the same tantrum at the end) We also took the older boys to an indoor playground at a local gym. They got to run around like crazy with other kids their size, jump in moon walks and ride little plastic cars. It was a chore just to keep a visual on both of them. We even ventured out to eat FOUR times with all of the kids. Once was to an Italian place where Joe surprised everyone but his mother when he finished off an entire plate of spaghetti and meatballs. When he was done with his plate, he continued to eat from what fell into his bib! Yum yum!
I made a trip to Topeka to see my good friend Anna and her kids with other friends from KC, Emily and Carrie – her son is Devin on the right. We had a great time playing together. They’re all such great kids!
Fr. Joe came to visit the twins, too. They were both very comfortable with him (that’s Luke yawning – not screaming!)
I seem to have misplaced my Christmas pictures. I will have to post them later! Thanks for understanding :)