Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mom confesses

What a wonderful Monday. The day started early – Scott was starting his new position this morning and the twins were up at 6. I got inspired to bathe them – not a small task when Joe is awake, really not a small task no matter what! I packed them all up and loaded them in the car for our first outing alone. One of the ladies in our new parish has a Rosary on Monday mornings and children are welcome. Since she has 10 kids of her own, I wasn’t the least bit worried about burdening anyone by bringing my brood! (That sentence sure had a lot of B’s in it…) It was wonderful. The women were mostly older than me, but maybe one or two were my age and there were eight or so kids – all of which were very well behaved. I think Joe had fun, too. The ladies volunteered to hold the babies, so it was actually a peaceful time for me. It was the perfect first outing. I was very proud of myself!

Confession time: As I was getting everyone ready for our outing, I noticed Luke’s carseat on its side with poor Luke on the floor. Since I didn’t hear any big thonk and Luke wasn’t crying at all, I assume that it was a slow tip by the big brother. It did make my heart stop a little. What made my heart stop A LOT was watching Joe tumble half way down our basement steps. They are not carpeted, and he landed on his head/arm on top of his play lawnmower. I think Mommy cried more than he did. In true Joe fashion, he cried a few seconds and calmed down with a cookie – a good bribe and distraction to be able to ice the bumps. A few minutes later, we noticed the untied shoe – undoubtedly the culprit.

Joe is trying so many new words. It seems that he is having a little trouble pronouncing the “s” at the beginning of a word. “Hoo” for shoe, “no” for snow and, well, he tries “sock” but seems to be adding in an extra “k” sound at the beginning. Nuff said. Joe also says “Lou” and “Papri” when asked about the twins’ names. Precious.

A mom I used to babysit for once told me that children bring exponential growth to laundry piles. So far, it seems about right. I remember doing three loads a week when there were the three of us. Now, it’s more like eight or nine. Today, I could only find one pair of pants that were clean and that I fit into. Wouldn’t you know, Luke had a huge burp up right in my lap. I could feel the warm wetness rolling from around my waist to down my leg. Not only did I need to change my pants, but also my underwear! Yuck!

Luke and Patrick have discovered Joe. Both of them smile when they can see him. I wonder when they will notice each other.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Luke and Joseph both survived their little accidents!! The first of many I'm sure. It is amazing how rexiliant they are and that most make it to adulthood without any permanent problems!! I think moms suffer a lot more quilt over these little spills by comparison than the kids do suffer being hurt! I hope Scott's first few day on the job was as rewarding as your fist solo outing was!!! We miss all of you. Love, Grammie

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm very impressed with your courage and strength to take them all out on your own. You are a supermom! Ok, Brett and I have been thinking about it a lot, and we've decided that you HAVE TO MOVE BACK! No pressure, but we want you here within this year--ha ha ha! Don't worry about the little falls that Luke and Joe took! I think boys are just more prone to these things, and it's so nice that they can be back to normal when you whip out a cookie! Talk to you later.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire you...it's tough going out with my two and I can't imagine with three! I laughed out loud reading about having to change the only clean pair of pants, and underware, because of spit up. Been there several times! Thanks for the memory!

7:20 PM  

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