Thursday, December 08, 2005

Pity Party

St. Nick came the other day! I guess we were all good boys and girls – even the babies.

Thanks for the prayers – my dad got through surgery fine. He is still in a little pain, and the doctors will know if the cancer has spread sometime in a few days.
Day four without Scott, and we are still doing okay. This job is made a lot tougher when two little babies whine and fuss all night. At least Tuesday evening I got to go to a twin mom’s meeting. They’re a great group of ladies – lots of humor and stories to go around. One poor woman even had two sets of identical twins (what are the odds??) that are less than two years apart. Going to those meetings is a big help to me. It lets me know that I can get through it seeing a whole room of women that already have, and it lets me know that others have had it much worse (see the mom mentioned above.) I only got to stay for part of the meeting, as I received a frantic phone call from Scott with three screaming kids in the background. Maybe getting out in the evenings during their un-Happy Hour isn’t going to be very feasible for a few more months. A friend of mine from another mom’s group brought over dinner the other night. Besides being super yummy, it was so nice to not have to worry about food. I don’t always get to eat during the day, if you’re not counting several handfuls of goldfish and the apple slices Joe doesn’t finish from lunch. Scott brought home a package of Oreo’s yesterday, and I ate almost the entire thing. Not because I love Oreo’s so much, which I do, but more because they were so easy to grab.
Joe’s new word: “Yes.” He can’t quite make the "s" sound with the front of his mouth. He does it near his back teeth and it sounds more like how a pre-teen talking through a retainer would say it.
We had a really rough couple of nights, and I kind of had a small breakdown yesterday morning. Joe was being a little naughty, (just a little, though. You know Joe!) and I totally hollered at him. I felt bad and started to cry afterward. Joe came up to me and put both hands on my face very gently. Just as I expected something profound to come out of his mouth, he poked at my tears and said “Wa! Wa!” (his word for water) That made me feel much better, and I got over my pity party pretty quickly. Children really are a blessing!
Here's a shot of the twins in their bouncy seat together. They're getting a little to big for this now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I'm so glad that you were able to get out for a little while for the twins meeting. I wish I could have gone this month! Just too much going on this week; I try to avoid being gone two nights in a row because I hate not being able to put the boys to bed.

I had some break downs too, still do from time to time; it's going to happen. You are only human! As for the eating thing, I fell into the same problem. Then nursing became a problem because I wasn't eating enough, that caused stress, made me get the picture. Brian started to make me a lunch and snacks before he'd leave for work in the morning or at night when he'd make his own lunch for work. It's a small gesture that made my world MUCH better!

Oh Scott...

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... not be too hard on yourself...God only gives twins to the ones who know can handle it the very best. You are a terrific mother and you are doing great. I am sure that is not the last breakdown, as I am sure you will encounter many tough times. Just keep plugging away.

I hope you have your countdown for Christmas started. Just think..all those in-laws and siblings who will gladly take those babies off your hands..until feeding time. We can't wait.

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suzanne-
Remember, God never gives us more than we can handle. Those have been words I have had to remind myself of many times this year. Nobody ever talks about how truly hard it is to be a full time MOM! I love the boys very much, but there are days when I want to run out of the house screaming and never come back! The good news is your hormones will start getting back to normal and the boys will soon sleep through the night. Everything seems so much more difficult when we don't get that full night of sleep. You are amazing...I'm not sure I would be doing as well as you. Keep up the good work, and if you ever feel like running out of the house, give me a call and we can meet somewhere b/t KC and WI...ha ha ha! We'll keep praying for your dad! Have a great day!

11:19 AM  

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