That Naughty Little Leprechaun!
So, there’s Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and now… the Leprechaun. The boys told us all about him. Apparently he visits their school and most of their classmates on St. Patrick’s Day.
Well, what do you know! He visited us this year!
The gist of the Leprechaun is that he’s a mischief maker. In his quest for your gold (still figuring out what that means) he upturns furniture, rearranges objects and generally leaves a mess. Joe says the mess is to distract you while he steals your gold. (again… what gold? where does it come from? what does he do with it when he finds it?) I guess our Leprechaun had a bit too much green beer before visiting our house. The boys were rather disappointed when he hadn’t stolen some of their plastic ‘gold’ coins that their teacher gave them. Oops. Maybe next year.
It was seriously like Christmas morning when the boys ran around the house trying to discover all of the things the Leprechaun had done. He forgot to turn our milk green, which I guess is a staple prank of his. Again, too much beer, probably.
Andrew had recently been hiding a package of wintergreen Tic Tacs in his bed (no comments, please. This would have never happened with the first kid). He had dumped a few on the carpet under his bed and I hadn’t noticed. What a perfect day to make this discovery! The older boys were convinced that we found Leprechaun poop! Oh, the joy! The gig was up when Daddy popped on into his mouth and the boys gasped in horror and disgust. Mommy and Daddy couldn’t control our laughing.
The best part of the morning was when Patrick yelled with delight “The Leprechaun visited our room!” Yes, it was indeed a mess, but the Leprechaun most certainly did not visit their room. They made that mess themselves!