Some recent things overheard at our house:
Luke: (on a very blustery day) What was that?
Patrick: "That was the wind. It was speaking to us."
Mom: "What did it say?"
Luke: "I don't know. I don't speak wind."
Joe: (carrying our statue of Mary that usually resides in the flower garden) "I'm moving Mary to the (vegetable) garden so she can pray for our lettuce."
Patrick: "Mom, worm poop is good for the garden."
Andrew: (pulling shirt up over his face) "Weh An-doo?" (pulling shirt down excitedly) "'Ere E is!"
If you happen to not speak toddler, that translates to, "Where's Andrew?" and "There he is!"
Mom: "Luke, take that (toy) guitar downstairs"
Luke: "But, Mom! I wanna rock!"
Patrick while dancing: "Mommy, check out my groove!"
Okay, not it's time to confess. These boys have been SUCH boys lately. I don't know if it's the weather, their ages, the barometric pressure, or just being able to be outside and stretch their legs. They've been full of energy, aggressive, wild, an a bit potty-mouthed.
For example, every stick is now a sword. They are superheros, pirates, batman, etc, but with much more vigor and aggression than previously. There's lots of hitting, wrestling, bumps and bruises.
Oh, and the other day, I caught Luke with his pants down and his moon shining to the next-door neighbors. ("Please, God don't let them be home," I prayed) When I quickly brought him inside to take care of that little moon, I asked him where he got the idea. Apparently, all of the boys had been doing it over the course of that morning. Awesome.
Potty talk has been crazy lately. Thank goodness it's still so innocent, but they've recently discovered the word 'butt':
Luke: What's a butt?
Joe: It's a bottom. (giggle giggle)
Patrick: No, it's what you use when you say, "BUT MOM!"
Joe corrected Patrick and the cat's out of the bag on that one. Please, just not at church.
"Potty talk belongs in the bathroom" is our rule, so if they must say it, they know to head to the bathroom. The three older boys were having a potty talk fest the other night. From the bathroom, I hear, "Poop!" "Toilet!" "Bottoms!" "Gas!" all followed by lots of giggles. Then, I hear Andrew bust into the party hollering, "I poopy!" And, of course, everyone erupts into even more giggles. Seriously, folks, he's not even two yet. sigh.