Saturday, May 23, 2009

Andew's Walking!

Andrew took his first little step on Mother's Day, but it wasn't much more than an accidental step on the way down. The next day, he took several steps at once and even stood for a few seconds. Since then, there hasn't been much improvement, but he's still trying. It really is so darling to see.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fr. Joe?

Have I mentioned that I love that Joe goes to a Catholic school?

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We have a new niece! Olivia Kathleen was born to Scott's sister Katie and Michael on Thursday afternoon. Yay!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Number FIVE!

Joe turned five this Saturday! I finally stopped being such a chicken and actually had a birthday party for him. We invited two little boys from his class and two other families from his school along with our old neighbors. Joe had a ball with all of his buddies. His favorite part, of course, was opening his presents. Patrick and Luke took over a few of them immediately, and a few of them even ended up in bed with Joe, he loved them so much.

We learned another lesson for future parties: Just cake, no ice cream. The cake event was a complete free-for-all of icing, ice cream drippings and bowls flying. Luke ended up having a reaction because a little boy that had some ice cream on his face had given him a hug. If they're ever invited to birthday parties, I will have to send them with two little dairy-free cupcakes tucked away with strict instructions on that being their only dessert for the party. Okay, I might tuck away four little cupcakes just to be an extra nice mommy.

Even little Andrew got in on the present-opening fun. Our old neighbors bought him a play milk jug with plastic "cookies" to dunk in it. Perfect for our little Wisconsin baby. Patrick and Luke kept asking me if it was "reg-ler" (regular, as in, not soy) milk and if they could play with it.
Sad to say, those were about the only pictures I got of the big shin-dig. When you're running around keeping people fed and kids entertained, the camera gets kind of ignored. Oh, well. We have our good memories!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Say what?

"No! Not bird dude, bird DOO" - Luke correcting his brother's mispronunciation. Not a big deal, except that it was in public and Luke yelled it. Awesome.

"Lukey, we didn't get a shot!" whispered by Patrick to Luke with his arm around his brother in excited glee that they escaped a doctor's visit un-pricked.

Patrick on eating a turkey sandwich - "I don't like it. That makes me burp."

Joe, with a totally straight face - "Mom, I want Bendaroos so I can change a cereal box into a guitar that rocks" Stupid Billy Mays strikes again. The kids channel Qubo is now banned from our house. He made similar statements about the Awesome Auger while I was pulling up dandelions in the garden. He's a marketer's dream. (click on here to see the commercial)

"I fixed the DVD" Really, how did you do that? "I licked it and I dry it off" - Luke, apparently imitating my husband's favorite way to clean a skipping DVD. Please, do not send e-mail forwards about studies that find germs, chemicals and fecal matter on Netflix and library DVD's.

"Let's not have a new baby." Why not? "Because Andrew gets into stuff." - Joe

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Birthday Baby

Andrew celebrated his first birthday on May 2. Unfortunately for him, he napped very poorly that day and was in no mood for the festivities (read: cake) I feel like we need to give him a mulligan.

He did warm up after a few bites of the yummy cake. He looked like he was growing a goatee.

After that enormous mess, we opted to open presents in his skivvies. Clearly, he didn't mind

Luke couldn't help himself.

Finally, another big milestone for the one-year-old: The turning of the carseat! Now I can see four smiling faces in the rear-view mirror. Precious!

An aside note: At Andrew's one year doctor's appointment, we were surprised to learn that he had gone from the 95th percentile through his first six months to down to the 15th percentile now. Yes, the doctor is concerned about him weighing TOO LITTLE! Really, it's the big head that fools you. I think it was caused by his being sick SO many times this winter. Since the visit, we've been putting real butter on everything he eats - scrambled eggs, oatmeal, veggies, you name it. He's gained about 2 lbs already. Five more to go!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Easter - Part Three

My father's aunt Bertie died while we were home, so I had a chance to see some relatives. Here is a shot of many of my dad's first cousins on his mom's side. Oh, and his aunt Mary Alice, too (my grandma's sister and a faithful blog reader) Mary was walking by while everyone was lining up for the picture. No one told her it was only for the cousins. She was so embarrassed.
Speaking of Mary Alice, here she is again with her husband Howard. Those of you in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas may recognize Howard from the front page of the Leaven a few months back. He was featured in his World War II uniform. It still fits after all these years.
And, finally, Howard again, sitting on the pot. He can't resist a little humor, even on a somber occasion. Truly, one of a kind. You can stop blushing now, Aunt Mary Alice!