Patrick and Luke have learned some important vocabulary for their future of play... "My turn!" It's very sweet coming out of their mouths after they've been waiting patiently (or not-so-patiently) for a toy or the slide or swing.
They are also getting better at "Peas" (please) and "Gee Goo" (thank you) It really is much easier to give in to a whining and demanding toddler when he attaches a little "peas" at the end of his request. They can say "Hep" (help), too. My new favorite cute thing they say is when they bring me their superhero capes so I can put them on. Patrick says "Hah Whoa" and Luke says "Hoo Whoa" to let me know that they want to be heroes!
Joseph has really started imitating us - not word for word, but he imitates the message. A few examples: I often ask Joe and/or the twins to try a new word, really difficult ones for Joe and just any word for the twins. I heard Joe telling the twins, "It's a marshmallow. Can you say 'marshmallow,' babies?"
It's not so cute when you hear stupid things that you've gotten in the habit of saying: I was singing along to the Humpty Dumpty song when Joe told me, "No singing. Did you hear me? I said NO SINGING, okay?"
When he wants me to do something for him, he's very encouraging. The other day he wanted me to put in his "Cars" video. "C'mon, Mommy. You can do it!"
Some other funny things: "Pew! Somefin' stinks in here!" - going into the twins' room after their naps (when they tend to fill their diapers for the day)
After I told him to go in and help me get the twins up in the morning, he said, "Let's not do it!" I guess he likes his alone time with mommy and daddy.
"This baby is done" - pointing to Patrick after he kept stealing Joe's toy and splashing him in the bathtub.
"I think Megan needs to go to time out" - after a little friend of his wasn't playing their game exactly how he wanted.