First complete sentence?
Proud moment at our house. Peter’s first sentence (that he wasn’t imitating). Drumroll, please… “I juss poop” (“I just pooped” in case your toddler speak is a little rusty) The funny part was how he said it. I saw him crouching in the dining room by a pile of toys. He was looking so serious, and a bit concerned. I asked him if he was okay and he looked up at me, kind of sad looking and said it. It was so pathetic that it was cute. Did he think I would be mad at him?
Before I had kids, I specifically remember a co-worker’s son saying to his dad that he needed his diaper changed. I thought, “Seriously, if the kid can say that in a complete sentence, it’s about time he’s potty trained.” Ha! So judgmental! The pre-parent me was a great parent. In theory, of course. :)