Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kemper Kids Galore

We were home in Kansas City for the past two weeks. Sorry for the complete neglect of the blog. Some of the family got together for a playdate, and we realized that all of the 13 second cousins were there (the fourteenth one is still cooking - Kelli is due at the end of July)

Olivia and Sophie are the babes in the front (that's right, I said babes. Super cute!), then from left to right, Joe, Francesca, Gabo, Morgan holding Kemper, Clare, Mady, Luke, Andrew, Patrick and Jacob.

Kemper (Sarah's youngest) is three months younger than Andrew, but he's 8lbs heavier and a bit taller. He's about the biggest baby I've ever seen!

Luke and Mady are pretending to be asleep in the leaf.

There was quite a traffic jam of little girls at the bottom of the slide.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Andrew speaks

And the first word is: "Boo" As in, "peek-a-boo" which he was playing with Joe at the time of the verbalization.

The second word: "No."

Dang it.

Other recognizable vocalizations include "mama" "dada" and "doh" (Joe? maybe he's been watching too much Simpsons...) These don't quite count since they were only said once or twice and not necessarily in connection to the thing that they represent.

One very endearing thing that Andrew does when he is tired is playing with the hair on the top of his head. This is stinking cute to watch since his head is big and his arms are short. They barely reach the top! But while they're there, his little fingers twirl his hair into this Dairy Queen style swirly. The mornings after a bath, his hair usually stays this way all day. Before we start training him in the Brazier-style of culinary arts, I think we'll try to employ a hair dryer before bed.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Luke hurt his little toe today. When he was explaining to me where he was injured, he said, "It hurts, mommy. It's the 'piggie went home' toe"

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Aunt Janelle

Aunt Janelle left early this morning for the long journey to Afghanistan. She will serve there for 30 days, be home for a few weeks and return for a final 30 days. I think there are plans for another deployment sometime this year, but I'm not 100% sure.

Please pray for her and for her unit. She will be there with a few friends from flight school, so that will be nice. Above is a picture of a C-130 that she flies.

Monday, June 01, 2009

The milk man came

Someday, I can reclaim the top shelf of my fridge. It's annoying to have to buy three different kinds of milk every grocery store visit...