National Lampoons Thanksgiving Vacation
Anyone that know little boys knows that they get awfully restless. When Joe and Luke collided heads in midair while jumping from one bed to the other, I decided it was time to run off some energy in the hotel hallways. My big mistake was not making them put their shoes back on. Luke slipped on the tile floor and split his head open. So, there I was, four crying boys, blood all over the hotel room, no car, and still three hours from home. Then, of course, it started snowing.
Luke ended up with seven stitches. I had to wait outside while they did the job. I was a little suspicious about how I looked when the nurses around kept asking me to sit down and if I needed something to drink. Apparently my blood pressure was zero over zero. Luke was faring much better in the next room. They wrapped him up in a little "paupus" so he wouldn't struggle and he promptly fell asleep. What an angel.
Things were better at home until the stomach bug hit - the baby first, then Joe, then me. I didn't know that a nursing infant could vomit. I'd never seen it. But, they can. Boy, can they. It was a very short lived, not very intense virus, thank goodness, and we are all fine now.
Now that I've shared all of our medical woes, I feel a little bit like an eighty-year-old. When we get back home, we'll post some pictures from the good parts of the trip.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!