Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Windy City
A few weekends ago, we took a family trip to Chicago.
Buckingham Fountain - also the site of Melissa and Vince's engagement. The couple is expecting to adopt their first baby from Russia any time now. They'll be wonderful parents!
Please check the blog from the Fourth of July - I finally finished it and posted it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
On my own...
While Maida was still here, we took full advantage. We visited the Milwaukee Public Museum, the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Betty Brinn Children's Museum, and, of course, the Harley Davidson Museum. I forgot my camera on the last trip, but when Maida gets home to Germany, she'll send me pictures. Meanwhile, at the Children's Museum...
This was his first trip down a slide!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Summer fun
The kids all really love her, although I think Andrew is her biggest fan.
This is a shot of Maida taking a drink from a water fountain for the VERY FIRST TIME! Who would have thought? Guess they don't have "bubblers" in Germany.
The boys are comparing their size to a baby gorilla's size.
Patrick is fingerpainting on his tummy with yogurt. It's so nice to be outside to eat in the summertime! (note the hose in the background - very handy for clean up!)
Andrew is laughing! He loves being tickled under his chin and lets out a sweet little giggle. Maida was the first to hear it. He loves smiling and cooing at her.
Monday, July 07, 2008
He loved listening to the clicking it made and watching it swing at the top from his view in the vinyl seat. The seat made him sweat, and he stuck to it a little, but that didn't diminish the love. As it winded down and got slower, he would start to get fussy until someone would crank it again.
On another note, we would like to wish Aunt Janelle a very happy birthday and Aunt Katie and Uncle Michael a very happy FIRST wedding anniversary. Sorry we're a day late. Things get a little crazy around here. We love you all!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Ronny McDonny showed up and was marching along with the little baton twirlers group in front of him. It was really cute.
Maida thought it was fun and pretty funny, especially the "Dancing Grannies"
In the spirit of the 4th, but all tuckered out, Andrew slept in Maida's arms most of the time. You can't even see his cute "Little Firecracker" shirt that Grammie got for him.
The coolest part was Cho's Martial Arts. The kids in the program were all dressed in their white gear and in pairs - from teens all the way down to Joe's age. All at once, the group stopped and one of the pair would hold a little bag and the other one kicked it and sent candy flying. The whole group of about 50 did it in unison so it looked like a candy explosion. The kids watching went nuts! The only problem for us was that we realized that Tootsie Rolls are on the "can't have" list. You can see Luke in the background with a red, itchy eye. Other than that, we all had a great time, and Maida enjoyed a classic bit of Americana - the small town 4th of July parade.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Sleeping Issues
With the longest days of the year upon us, the boys are having trouble getting to sleep. After at least an hour struggle at every naptime and bedtime, they finally fall asleep. Yesterday, it was just too much for me. We fought and fought, but they just would not nap. Instead, we walked to the library for some videos. These pictures are of what I saw two minutes after turning on the videos.
No sleeping issues here!