Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just out of the bath...

The buns in the mirror are my favorite part!

Luke: Rolling around is fun! Get out of the way, Patrick!

Patrick: My very best News Anchor face

A more substantial post will be coming soon!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Binky Bandito

That would be our Patrick. They all have their thieving moments, but if a binky is stolen, it is most likely to be found in Patrick’s clutches. Poor Luke gets his binky stolen during most naps and the other day I saw Patrick yank the binky out of Joseph’s mouth (a gutsy move!) and immediately put it in his own. We were reading a book at the time, and Joe didn’t notice at first. When he realized what had happened, he retrieved his little treasure and returned it to it’s rightful mouth. Someday we’ll wean Joe of the “stinky binky” (as we call it – maybe the negative tone will rub off?) but it won’t be happening anytime soon with so many floating around this house.

I’m trying to do a better job of keeping track of them and out of Joe’s mouth. Lately, they’ve been collecting on my window sill.

Some of the funny things Joe has said lately:

“Baby’s crying, Mommy. Get binky.” Great idea, Joe!

“Uh oh, Mommy, Boogers!” Joe had a fingertip full and wanted me to help him out. Gross.

“Boing,” when he jumps.

“I’m out!” Joe said after missing a ball he swung at. Joe is amazing at baseball! He can already hit a ball that he tosses with a bat he is holding in his other hand. It’s not pretty, but he gets it done about half the time. He’s pretty good at hitting off the tee, too.

Blowing bubbles with Daddy.

News on the Twins’ front: They are scooting and rolling all over from room to room. I’ve had to step up my vacuuming and sweeping efforts and had to install a gate from the kitchen to the basement. Why didn’t we do this for Joe? I guess it was easier just to keep a close watch of him. I can’t be in three places at once! They have also begun eating Cheerios, which is a nice way to keep them occupied and happy during the witching hour around dinnertime (what did mothers do before this wonderful invention?)

There has been construction going on at the end of our street. Most days, if Joe is being cooperative (that’s a relative term for a two-year-old!) we take a walk, all four of us, and we spend a while just watching the diggers and the bulldozers. It’s fascinating. Joe wonders if the construction workers are named Bob (as in “Bob the Builder.”) Here’s Joe with his Dorothy the Dinosaur in hand – another favorite character.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

4th of July fun

We marched in our first parade!. It was the Parkville 4th of July celebration, and we were walking to support Scott’s uncle John. We had a wonderful time with so much of the family. Even the little babies had the red t-shirts. From the back row: Uncle Ben, Chris, David, Katie, Front row: Amy, BJ, Kelli, Brian, Luke and Patrick. What a good looking crew! Uncle John is in the background over Katie’s left shoulder. If you’re in Missouri’s 32nd district, John’s your man!
So much to report – we really had a wonderful time in Kansas City with friends and family, as we always do!

Joe LOVED swimming in Kolbe’s kiddie pool. He spent hours outside splashing around and playing. Finally, as bathtime and bedtime approached, we decided to just wash the kids in the pool. It was a pretty funny endeavor. Especially when we looked over and saw this:
Joe playing in the sandbox AFTER his bath (and before we got the pj’s on…) It wasn’t so funny getting off all of the sand from sitting in there.

The twins are enjoying and al fresco dinner. I think Grandma and Papa are very brave – no bibs even!

On Sunday, we had a couple’s shower for Brian and Kelli. The theme was “Stock the Bar” Guess who picked that theme? Girls have showers and we get each other blenders and unmentionables and lovely things like candles and bath towels. When the guys are in charge, wouldn’t you know it would turn to alcohol. I thought Kelli’s idea for thank you notes was pretty funny: “Thank you for the bottle of Jim Beam. It will come in handy the next time we want to get righteously drunk.” Nice one, Kelli! Glad to have you joining the family!

Joseph reading with Granddad. Grammie always has a stash of Joe’s favorite books (somehow she always knows just what he will like! Maybe it’s the teacher in her…)

Playing at Grammies house (Luke is on the left)

Anyone think this looks like baby Joe?

Patrick loves to chew on the clown toy.