Friday, April 13, 2007

Snow Annoying

We got 7 inches of snow the other day. Post-Easter. That’s just wrong.
Joe is a motor mouth! We took a trip to the library yesterday and the following is an account of what came out of his mouth from the instant we got out of the car: (read quickly and as if there were no punctuation) “Are we in a parking lot? I’ll hold your hand. Oooo, water. I jump in the puddle. Do you hear that, mommy? Hear that? Sounds like water. (it was dripping off the roof of the library) I hear a monster. Hear that? Could be a dinosaur. I push the button, open the door (the handicapped auto door) Can I push the other button? Wow, mommy. Look! I want bideos! VeggieTales and Wiggles and Bob Builder. How about Wiggles? Ooo! I like Wiggles! ……” on and on and on he went. It was a hoot. People around us were giggling.
The twins are also talking up a storm. They are learning so many new words. Since Grandma and Papa were here last weekend, poor Grandma was really trying to get them do say her name. They are great with “Papa” It’s actually more like “Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!” (inflection on the last a of the word) So, yesterday, I heard a distinct “DamMa!” which I am sure is baby for Grandma. Of course, she’s already gone home… Nice timing, boys. They’ve also said “burger” “goggy” and “cracker,” and “tee!” means “tortilla”

I am trying to teach Joe what “Guess what” means. Before, he would say “Guess what?” to get our attention. When we answered “what?” he wouldn’t have a response or would say “I don’t know.” I told him that he had to say something after someone responded with “what?” I gave him some examples: “I love you” “You’re eating lunch” “I think you’re special,” etc. Maybe he got it, maybe not. You be the judge. This was our next exchange: “Mommy, guess what?” “What?” “I have gas, and the babies have gas.” Hmmm, thanks for sharing.

I witnessed a true chase, too. Patrick swiped Luke’s sippy cup and took off running. Luke ran after him to retrieve his soy milk. They’ve toddled after each other before, but never like this – it was a full fledged run with a mini tackle afterward.

Luke’s has had a very bad temper lately (maybe due to some canines coming in?) and his little tantrums are pretty dramatic to watch. He gets all mad and stiff and red in the face. Then the hollering starts. I usually have to stick him in his bed for a few minutes until he calms down. Patrick, however, has very funny tantrums. He throws himself onto the ground face first, but after a few times trying that, he realized that it was a bit painful. Now, he “flings” himself onto the ground in slow motion until he is safely on his tummy with his head buried in his arm. Then, when he notices that I’ve walked away or am not paying attention, he gets himself back up and goes about his business. It makes me laugh.


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