Monkey See, Monkey Do
Cooking – I took this shot of all of them after raiding my pots and pans cabinet. They use pretzels or cheerios and stir them around like mommy does to make a very tasty snack to feed mommy
Blowing my nose – when they find Kleenex around, they blow raspberries with their mouth to imitate my noisy nose blowing
Praying – This has to be one of the sweetest. Last week at Mass, Joe began “reciting” the Nicene Creed along with all of us. Of course he didn’t get the actual words right, but he was imitating most of the sounds and the rhythm. We were totally astonished.
Housework – They love to get their little hands on dishes as I try to unload the dishwasher. They also love to sweep, but I’ve had to keep that one to a minimum – the broom stick can really do some damage.
Time Out – The babies have started heading to the corner every once in a while like their big brother Joe. I caught this picture of Joe wearing my shoes while in time out. He probably thought they were Scott’s – he loves pretending that he’s Daddy. We’ve used it to our advantage whenever possible (e.g. “You know Joe, sleeping helps you grow big and strong just like Daddy” “Daddy eats his vegetables. Yummy!”)
Changing diapers – more than once, I’ve had to wave off some extra “help” from a twin trying to get in on his brother’s diaper changing. They try to help with wipes and opening diapers. In the bath, they also try to wash each other’s backs. It’s not too helpful, but it’s very cute.
Media – They also love to dance and pretend to sing. Both of the babies know exactly what to do with Scott’s ipod earpieces, and they love playing with cell phones, remotes and TV buttons. Luke especially loves to “read” in mommy’s favorite rocking chair.
We hear a lot of things from Joe that we have said. His latest favorite: “I have a good idea!” he exclaims while holding up his index finger.
On the way into the rosary yesterday, he announced to the group of ladies: “Hello! I’m here!” By the time I got into the room, they were all chuckling pretty heartily.
In frustration, I said the babies were being little turkeys for throwing their food on the floor. Joe refuted, “No, they’re not turkeys. Turkey is here on my sandwich!”
I love the recent pictures of the boys! I have some similar ones of our kids when they were little-Scott in his dad's shoes, Christopher and Katie in the cabinets, and Brian and Daivd having fun pretending! It is amazing to see the twins riding their little toys and playing basketball with Dad and seeing Joseph so grown up-almost 3!!!! We miss you all! Love, Grammie and Granddad
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