Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone!
Luke enjoys some of his Easter basket treats.
The Easter Bunny is a pretty smart guy. Around here when Easter morning is below freezing, he kindly hides the eggs and leaves the Easter baskets indoors around the living room.

My mother made the boys superhero capes that we stuck in their baskets, too. They were a huge hit! Joe kept saying, “The world needs a hero! I am that hero!” (one of Larry Boy’s lines from Veggie Tales)
Patrick enjoyed taking the eggs out of his basket and putting them back in.
We had a wonderful time at Mass this morning, actually sitting in the congregation, not in the cry room or lobby. It was nice that the adults outnumbered the kids for once. On Friday, we went to the service at our church. At the Veneration of the Cross, I was trying to explain to Joe about how Jesus died and how Joe was supposed to go up and give Jesus a kiss on His feet. He was very reverent and when we got to the front of the line, Joe dutifully took out his binky and kissed the feet of Jesus (complete with big smooch sound.) Later, we were trying to reinforce what the day was all about. Joe said, “Jesus died. He was sad. He hurt his foot. I gave him a kiss.”


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