Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mac and Cheese

It’s the small victories – Luke has never liked pasta before, and I really wanted him to. It’s a great dish to sneak veggies into, and it’s a good filler. So, after trying all sorts of (mostly yucky) concoctions, I finally made a “cheese” sauce for their mac and cheese. Of course, it had to be all soy, which was fine, but making it taste good is the tougher part – I don’t want to have to taste-test it myself (soy milk, soy cream cheese, canola oil roux, yuck, yuck, yuck.) Well, I finally got it right. The boys gobbled it up and were asking for more.
Mac and cheese is such a kid staple, but it’s tough around our house. As we were sitting down to lunch, I realized that we were all eating three very different kinds of mac and cheese. Mine was leftover from dinner - whole wheat pasta with spinach, tomatoes and parmesan cheese, Joe’s was good old Kraft, and the babies’ was the above mentioned yuckiness. Such complications for such a simple dish.


Speaking of their allergy, we have another to add to the list: Strawberries. This allergy is different from the dairy in that it will never be potentially life-threatening and doesn’t necessarily get worse with more exposures. It’s just annoying. And, speaking of life-threatening, their doctor prescribed them an Epi-Pen. It was a little disconcerting to learn what could happen, but I’m glad we are prepared. I still believe that any major reactions would be VERY unlikely. The doctor still thinks that they will grow out of both allergies. Let’s hope sooner rather than later.


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