Thursday, May 04, 2006

"I'm stuck!"

Joe got stuck in his basketball goal. At first he thought it was funny and he drug the goal around the room. Then he started to get irritated when he couldn’t get himself out.
Luke is our mover and shaker. He rolls and spins on his stomach, wiggles and scoots. He’s never in the same position when I put him down to sleep. We had him strapped in his bouncy seat this morning, and we came around the corner to see this:

Not five minutes later, after putting him in his infant seat so we could get breakfast together, this is what we found:

That would never happen with Patrick. He is more laid back and will hardly wiggle out of his infant seat if he isn’t strapped in.


We had doctor visits yesterday Luke is 17 lbs and 27 inches tall, Patrick is 16 lbs and 26 inches tall. Poor guys had to get shots, too.

Joe went over to his friends Elijah and Evelyn’s house so Mommy could actually make the Dr. visit. He was so upset when I left, but he didn’t want to leave when I returned. He had been playing hard in the sand and in the Little Tykes cars they had. I told him to say goodbye to everyone as I carried him off crying. “Bye bye, Bye bye,” he waved. Then, “Bye bye, cars, bye bye!” Guess those were his favorite toys. He has one of those cars – the Flintstone type – powered by little feet. He has a hard time getting out of it on his own. Yesterday, he slid himself out the bottom. It was a pretty snug fit!

"Quit trying to lick my arm, Patrick!"

"Tickle, tickle, Luke!"


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