Monday, April 24, 2006

Investigating Spring

It’s so nice to have our happy, busy toddler back in action. Today, we went outside (there are tiny blooms on the trees finally!) to run around while the babies played in their exersaucers. They were a great tool and I’ve decided to move them to the garage for easier access, which means more frequent trips outside for all of us.

Joe also investigated a bug (we have a few ants that visit us by our front door), first with his eyes, then his finger, then his foot. Bye bye, ant!

I always feel compelled to ask you, the reader, to please ignore the dirty house you see in the background of photos. You probably couldn’t see the ant because of the other specks of stuff I didn’t sweep up. I almost didn’t include this one of Joe in the tub because it’s been so long since I’ve scrubbed the tile. Gross. Well, I’m not going to succumb to temptation. My house is usually a wreck. Big deal. All of my kids are fed and, for the most part, clothed. This is as good as it gets, folks. Enjoy the pics!

Joe loves his bath. Since I got too big to bend down when I was pregnant with the twins, Scott has taken over the bath/book-reading/pajama-dressing bedtime routine for Joe. I can usually hear them throughout the house laughing and splashing while they play games and the pitter-patter of Joe’s little wet feet as he evades the towel and runs gleefully through the house naked. Bedtime is usually a very sweet time for the two of them. I enjoy observing it, but am a little glad to be relieved of the duties. Joe just wouldn’t love it the same way if it was mom’s job.

Here’s a picture of Dinky T. Clown from Easter. I stole it from my sister’s blog. Thanks, Shannon.


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