Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Uncle Chris Visits

“Uckle Kees” (as Joe says, but not both words together) came to visit us for part of his spring break. He and Joe played football and watched a show about baseball, and we all went out for Mexican food. Yum! Thanks for coming to visit us!

It’s Girl Scout cookie time. Scott and I had three different young ladies to buy from, since we didn’t want to seem cheap, we ended up with nine boxes. Well, I must admit that I have absolutely no will power. The cookies have been disappearing at a rate of one box per day. How embarrassing. We've had to hide the remaining two boxes. We'll probably find them again in a few months and be so excited. I really thought 9 would be stocking up. :(

As frustrated as we get sometimes with Joe’s love of the word “no,” since he’s been able to say two words together, things have been better. It sounds so much nicer to hear “No, mommy” or “No, daddy” in a sweet little voice. (“Mommy” and “Daddy” are pretty new, too. That also sounds cuter than “mama” and “dada”)

His vocabulary is really growing. We’re so glad that he’s not afraid to try new words, either. For example, the word “poop,” which he said over and over when we were out to eat. Scott and Chris thought this was pretty funny, so I’m afraid we will be hearing it again, probably in church as with all embarrassing words. We play a lot of pointing games with books, and I’m always interested to see what he knows that I don’t realize he knows. The other day, I asked him to find the rainbow in a picture. We’ve never talked about rainbows, but he knew exactly what it was. He’s also starting to learn directions and some prepositions – “look under the table for your cup”, or “bring me the book on top of the sofa,” almost always gets the correct response. This is probably nothing spectacular, given his age and where he should be in his development, but it’s pretty fascinating for us to see it for the first time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hearing the poop story, I have to share Cate's toot story. We were at Mass in January on a retreat with lots of FOCUS staff at a small chapel. There was no back room or downstairs to take an active toddler, and it was freezing outside. After communion, the priest leading the retreat left plenty of time for meditation - I am sure all on the retreat were in a state of blissful prayer. I was following my little Cate as she tromp-tromp-tromped around the back of the chapel, and finally discovered the stairs to the choir loft. Each step creaked as she and I made our way up. On our way down, Cate let out a nice, loud, juicy bit of gas, and, true to her personality, she exclaimed, "Toot!" As if that weren't enough to break meditations below us, she went on to pass the blame: "MOMMY Toot!"

9:23 PM  

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