Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Stomach of Steel

My camera is temporarily MIA, so we'll have to wait and search before posting new pictures. In the meantime, we've had visitors!

My dad came to stay with us for a few days while Scott was on a business trip and Scott's brother Chris and his friend Michelle visited for a quick weekend.

After Joe's cookie dough debacle, I thought he would have learned his lesson about overindulging. Not so much. Yesterday, he came to me with an empty gum package. "Where's the gum?" I asked. "I ate it!" He produced 7 or so crumpled wrappers. I must admit that while being a little nervous about the old wives' tale that gum stays in your stomach 10 years, I was a little glad that he swallowed in instead of just chewing it before depositing it who knows where. It should also be noted that Joe had to do some significant climbing to get to the gum in the first place. The struggle never ends.


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