Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My Brother's Keeper

Last night, we put the boys to bed as usual. Luke has lately been protesting bedtime a lot – crying and whining and trying to turn on the light. This time, when we turned off the light and shut the door, we got the same reaction, but a few minutes later, we got something different. Luke was screaming and banging on the door. He was very upset. Scott went in to investigate and found that Patrick had gotten his head stuck under his bed. Luke was just alerting us to the scary situation. We were both very proud of him.

They interact so much now, and it’s precious to watch. I observed a spontaneous brotherly hug in the play structure at the Y yesterday. I also overheard an “I yuv you, Pa-srick” and “I yuv you, Yoo-key.” Truly heartwarming.

Finally, there’s a little Wiggles skit with Captain Feathersword where the Captain exclaims, “Well, blow me down!” His crew blows air in his direction, and he falls down. The boys think this is SO funny. This morning, I witnessed a good 15 minutes of non-stop non-sense. One twin requested “well, blow me down!” while the other obliged and the first fell to the ground with giggly delight only to hop up when the other one made the request and the cycle repeated.


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