Friday, February 15, 2008

Indoor Fun take 2

I thought I was getting in a shower at an opportune time the other morning only to discover that the boys had climbed up on chairs and gotten into the (thankfully!!) washable markers I had put on the top shelf. Besides making a coloring page for Daddy, they colored themselves for Mommy to enjoy.
Since it's been so snowy and cold here, we've been working on having a lot more indoor fun to keep ourselves from going nuts:
One morning, we made a fort and the boys watched a movie inside. They thought it was pretty cool, for 20 minutes or so.

They have also been having a great time with one of our many plastic bins. One boy hides under it (or walks with it on his head as in the picture here) while the other one “seeks.” It’s not much of a mystery where his brother could be hiding, but they love pulling off the bin to discover each other.

This doesn’t have much to do with indoor fun, but it’s it such a cute shot of Patrick sharing mommy’s water with Luke. Something about straws that really gets kids excited to drink even the most boring things.
Finally, we have all been loving the Y. We’re there at least 4 days a week for classes – art, “Sports for Little Ones”, swim lessons and “Wiggles and Giggles” that everyone goes to. Here is a shot of one of Joe’s first art projects from class.
Water color, permanent marker, wooden sticks and construction paper


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was scrolling through the blog with Joseph identifying different people in the pictures, he pointed to the twins with markers all over them and said, "Oh, that's when I drawed on my brothers!"

And now you know the rest of the story...

2:05 PM  

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