We’ve spent four Saturdays in a row going “fwimming” at our YMCA. I finally took some shots. Patrick especially loves the turtle slide. He’s kind of our wild man when it comes to trying new things. He even tried going down on his tummy and taking toys down with him (both of which are no-no’s)
Who could resist this adorable little boy!
Daddy and Patrick take a turn in the big pool to practice kicking and blowing bubbles. The boys love to "swim" with Daddy as he walks them around the pool.
Joe’s favorite is the fish kickboard and standing under the big mushroom with Daddy. I didn’t get a shot of that, though.
Our Mary statue in the back yard had disappeared in the snow. We are now at the 12th snowiest winter in Milwaukee history. We’re still 39 inches from the record (109 inches!!), but we’re only to mid-February – lots of snowy days to come.
Someday when I’m old and gray and living in Florida with a full-head-of-hair Scott, we will be so far away from remembering the craziness of this winter, but not yet. Lately, I’ve watched earth movers moving snow from medians in the road so cars could see on-coming traffic when they turn. I have no idea where they put it. The snow mounds in store parking lots are at least a story high in some places. There are so many fewer parking spots due to shabby plowing or even good plowing without a destination for the snow. We saw the city using big loading trucks to haul snow off of a bridge in downtown.
Today, we were expecting 6-13 inches of snow, but as luck would have it, it ended up being rain! Imagine our surprise, since it’s been weeks since the temperature has been above freezing here. Well, all of the rain caused many streets to flood. They were actually using back hoes to get the snow out of the way of the street drains. In some places, they were slopping the snow back onto the streets just to get things flowing better. What a mess. Scott had to dig out our sump pump spout which was buried under at least 2 feet of heavy slushy snow. My hero.
Someday when I’m old and gray and living in Florida with a full-head-of-hair Scott, we will be so far away from remembering the craziness of this winter, but not yet. Lately, I’ve watched earth movers moving snow from medians in the road so cars could see on-coming traffic when they turn. I have no idea where they put it. The snow mounds in store parking lots are at least a story high in some places. There are so many fewer parking spots due to shabby plowing or even good plowing without a destination for the snow. We saw the city using big loading trucks to haul snow off of a bridge in downtown.
Today, we were expecting 6-13 inches of snow, but as luck would have it, it ended up being rain! Imagine our surprise, since it’s been weeks since the temperature has been above freezing here. Well, all of the rain caused many streets to flood. They were actually using back hoes to get the snow out of the way of the street drains. In some places, they were slopping the snow back onto the streets just to get things flowing better. What a mess. Scott had to dig out our sump pump spout which was buried under at least 2 feet of heavy slushy snow. My hero.
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