Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bunk Beds

The boys’ new “bunk bed”. Luke is on top. Can you just imagine how we would have a fall that resulted in such a wound?
Since Luke has to get a modified bath, we get him in and out before the other boys get in to avoid splashes and getting his wound wet. We got him all dressed and sent Joe to the tub. While I was getting Patrick ready, I came back to see this:

Luke is sitting where I do to give baths and he was instructing Joe on what he was going to clean next, just like I do. What a cute little imitation.

In other news, I had some take-and-break cookie dough in the fridge. I only made half of it and put the paper tray back in the fridge in a ziplock bag. Scott and I didn't sleep well the night before last and yesterday morning I heard Joe get up extra early. We just pretended to still be asleep so he wouldn't bother us. He usually just goes potty then back to bed anyway, but he must have made a special stop at the fridge. That morning, he wasn't hungry for breakfast, which was very curious to me. When I finally did go into his room (around 8), I saw the empty cookie dough tray and plastic bag. He had eaten TWELVE hunks of cookie dough! And, at 6 in the morning! I was SO grossed out. I kept waiting for him to get sick (I didn't let him sit on our bed all day so I wouldn't have to dry clean our down comforter!) but he never did. That was easily more sugar than he eats in a week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta love boys. They make sure our lives never get boring! The cookie thing is too funny!


3:46 PM  

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