Monday, April 14, 2008


Joseph and Luke are enthralled checking out their favorite characters: Henry the Octopus, Wags the Dog, Dorothy the Dinosaur and Captian Feathersword, all in town to perform for us at "KidsFest" - a big gathering with kid-related sponsor booths, stages and shows, a petting zoo, random roaming characters (Pink Panther to the Berenstain Bears), and all kinds of other fun kid stuff.
When we first read that KidsFest would include a performance by the Wiggles' sidekicks, we just HAD to go. Scott told the boys about it several days before the event. They talked about it all of the time. Even though the acutal performance was right during naptime, we braved the crowds.

Patrick found a handy spot to hold on to Daddy. Lucky Daddy didn't have to see the annoying kids show we have heard thousands of times at our house.
.After the show was over, we checked out the other booths including an electric racetrack with hand-held controllers. The twins were not as interested in the controller, but the cars were extremely fast, so it held their attention. Plus, there were wrecks every so often, which was really cool. (Wow, I'm totally a boy mom)
We also caught a magic show. The magic here is that all of the boys were sitting queitly behind the red line and behaving quite well.

By the end of our two hours in the crowded and hot (at least for me, maybe it was the baby) expo center, Joe let us know in no uncertain terms that it was time to go home.


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