Sunday, August 12, 2007

Family Photo

As you might imagine, taking a family photo is nearly impossible. We had a pro come over to get a picture for our church's quarterly magazine (I wrote an article for this one) This is the best one that he got. Not too bad considering. Luke is in the middle, Patrick is in the green with the big bruise on his forehead.
While I was cleaning Patrick's high chair tray, I grabbed and held both of his hands. He immediately began pumping his arms up and down and saying, "Peace! Peace!"
Our next door neighbor had a great dog, Zelda. She hardly ever barks and she's very gentle with the kids, even when they were poking her the other day. ("Zah-dah's eye! Zah-dah's nose!") Yesterday, something must have spooked her because she started to howl. All three of the kids started imitating her with little howls of their own. Luke was especially cute, throwing his head back, too.
In other dog-related news, Scott asked the kids to pretend to be dogs, and they all did! The twins got down on all fours and "woof woof"ed and panted. I guess I've never seem them play like that. They've pretended to talk on the phone and to cook with my pots and pans, but this was different. They were pretending to be something that they were not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture of all of you!!! I hope we can get one! Such a handsome group! Love, Grammie and Granddad

6:37 PM  

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