Thursday, December 07, 2006

Meeting Santas

Yes, Luke, Santa's beard is real

The kids at Scott’s company Christmas party (Luke, Joe and Patrick). Santa was there just like last year. When Scott asked Joe what he was going to ask Santa for this Christmas, Joe said, “presents!” Duh, dad!

We went to a mall a few days ago (thanks to the triplet stroller and some fantastic temperatures) and saw Santa again. I explained who he was to Joe, about his red coat and white beard and how he brings presents to good little boys and girls. He seemed totally unimpressed, even though it was a real great looking Santa. Later, we were in the grocery store and an old man with a gray beard and wearing a red Jacket passed us in the aisle. Joe said, “Oh, Hi, Santa,” totally matter-of-factly. The man didn’t get it, but his wife thought it was pretty funny.

On that same mall outing, we passed a certain lingerie store and I jokingly told Joe to cover his eyes. A few stores later, I noticed that his fat little palms were still covering his eyes. I was a little embarrassed and hoped that no one witnessed that exchange.

At the Saturday night Mass, there is a set of identical twins that we always sit near. The cute part about it is that they are in their seventies! These old ladies get such a kick out of our kids, and we get a kick out of them. I can’t help but think of Patrick and Luke meeting for Mass as old men. Mary Jane and her sister are good buddies and companions now that their kids are grown and their husbands are gone. I hope that Patrick and Luke will be, too.
Sorry I've been such a slacker updating the blog. We haven't taken many pictures lately, but we have a lot of stories and milestones.


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