Friday, November 10, 2006


I have finally flung my old Mazda. The charity is picking it up this evening. We were only too excited to see her go. I have had her since I graduated from college – the summer of 1999. She was already 10 years old and had 120K miles. A little old and rusty, but she ran great! She has been with me through FOCUS at KU and Benedictine, living at home and in good old Overland Park. Scott and I had our “relationship defining talk in it. I even drove her to my wedding. I can proudly say that she started very reliably through the cold Iowa winters, even when my co-worker’s brand new VW Jetta wouldn’t.

She’s been scrapped, bumped, dinged and love-tapped (Emily, you know that was you!) Recently, the poor thing has endured her toughest abuse – sitting in our driveway for over a year (I’m totally embarrassed about that!) doing nothing. Since the twins were born, we could only use the van because of all of the car seats. The Mazda has served us well, but she will not be missed. She will likely be sold at an auction and then be able to fulfill her destiny – being driven and loved again.

I have included her picture for your viewing pleasure. Please notice the lovely $10-for-the-set hubcap on the rear wheel. It’s the only one left on the car. That tire is also almost flat, too. Her paint is chipping near the rear window and there is a good bit of rust next to the backseat door. She is a vision, isn’t she?

Oh, yeah. I forgot to explain “flung.” I’ve been trying to follow a little house-keeping plan put together by the FlyLady, Marla Ciley. She’s a southern lady who knows how tough it is for people who aren’t born organized to just keep their house in order. She’s really big on “flinging” your clutter – don’t try to organize it, just get rid of it! So, my biggest bit of clutter was my car. My biggest collection of clutter is in the basement, but we are going through it box by box. Just taking baby steps so far. You can see her website by clicking on this link:
Two cute things Joe said recently: “Gimmie the little guy!” Joe was asking for a mouse figurine; and “Bless you, Joe Joe!” I must have forgotten to say it after he sneezed so he did a self-blessing.

Patrick and Daddy relaxing after a day of hard work and hard play.

Luke giving us his I’m-about-to-be-naughty face


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne!

I love FlyLady! I have made amazing progress with her but still have a ways to go. Best of luck with Flying, you will do great and once you are off the ground it gets really easy to keep up. Have a great weekend!


1:08 PM  

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