Sunday, October 15, 2006


Patrick Waved! Scott went to pick the kids up from babysitting at our Mass, and when Patrick saw him, he raised his hand and smiled.

Joe loves music so much now that he doesn’t want any other sound to interrupt his listening enjoyment. When Scott starts to sing along, Joe will announce, “No singing, Daddy. I like this song.”

We have a laundry chute that we love. Joe loves to toss down toys or other objects, but we really discourage it. Someday it may be a glass of milk or something that can get stuck! So the other day, he tossed a few magnetic letters down. I said, “Oh, no! You better go get those letters, Joseph. That was naughty of you.” He ran downstairs and hollered up, “The letters are okay, mommy!”

Patrick and Luke are so vocal now. They are learning to make all kinds of new sounds. Sometimes, I’m not sure who is making the noises – the twins or Joe. I wonder if all of their voices will sound alike.

Since we couldn’t post any new pictures, I thought I’d show off some oldies but goodies. These are from around Easter, two years ago. Joe was about 10 months old. I just can’t get enough of that cute little face!


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