Friday, November 03, 2006


The verdict is in – that little reaction to cheese that the twins have is really an allergy to cow’s milk and casein. They have been put on a strict avoidance diet. Their doctor is confident that the will outgrow it in a few years. The less they have now, the quicker they will outgrow the problem. If they were to have more, the problem would continue longer in their lives and possibly become more severe.

I hardly know where to start. Their high-butter diet is over (this was because they were underweight at their 9 month appointment) and I’m noticing that milk ingredients are in SO many foods (their bread, pancake mix, even lunch meat and Stove Top stuffing!). I think I need a 3-hour trip to the grocery store just to label read. The doctor also recommended avoiding nuts and peanuts for several more years now, too. Since they have one food allergy, they are very likely to have more and nuts are the worst ones to have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there! My sister-in-law went through this with her son Connor. He is 4 now and is eating dairy products again w/ no problem. If you would like, I can send you some recipes that she came up with. I know she had lots!
Talk to you later,

6:45 AM  

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