Drool bombs
Today at the doctor, I was holding Peter facing out and he drooled a huge puddle right onto the floor. We had to mop it up so no one would slip on it! I guess today is the day the faucet was turned on. I’ve missed the actual day with the other boys, but there’s always a noticeable increase in the gooey wet stuff.
This picture was taken a mere minute after I took off his shirt. That’s a lot of drool!
Poor Peter got his first shot today. He’s been a grouchy mess all day. In an attempt to cheer him, I played airplane with the little man on my knees while lying on my back. Of course, all of the other boys gathered around to entertain him and my tummy became the ‘jungle’ where they would drive their cars. (???) Out came the drool from the baby, which dropped on my tummy. Joe laughed hysterically at what he called a ‘drool bomb’ from the ‘fighter plane’ above.
The BEST thing about having baby #5 (besides, of course, having another sweet baby to care for and love) is witnessing the other boys’ reactions to him. Everyone is SO interested in him. Okay, maybe that interest is only for a span of a few minutes, but those moments happen many, many times in a day. They are always introducing him to people wherever we go (eg, Joe to completely disinterested checker at Wal-Mart: “This is our baby Peter. He just smiled at me 4 times”). They love trying to get him to smile at them. It’s like a badge of honor. They are also obsessed with Peter’s ‘firsts’ (eg, “This is Peter’s first time inside Grammies house!” and “Is this Peter’s first trip to McDonalds?” (sadly, no)). And everyone wants to be the one to witness developmental firsts like grabbing toys and saying his first word – according to Luke, it’s “hi” (dubious, I know!).
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