Friday, June 03, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation

Poor Joe!  We’d been looking forward to his Kindergarten graduation for weeks.  The kids had songs planned and a cute little ceremony where we knew he would be saying goodbye to his little buddies.  Just two days before, Joe got the stomach flu!  We don’t often get the flu at our house (knock on wood!) and he was just plain miserable.  At one point, he told me “Mommy, can you please pray for me?”


Eight barfs and almost exactly 24 hours later, he finally was done.  We were counting the hours until his graduation.  We didn’t want to get any of the other kids sick, but he didn’t want to miss it, either.  It was 22 hours from the last barf to the start of graduation, so we decided to go for it.  I told him that if he felt yucky at all, to just run for the nearest bathroom and I would go help him.


It was sweet to see how all of the kids were excited to see him walk in the room that morning.  He announced to everyone, “My mom said if I have to throw up to just run to the bathroom!”  Nice.


MaKenna, Joe and Ella.   You may remember Ella from a previous post about a certain Valentine’s art project.

The ceremony went off without a hitch, except that mommy and daddy both cried a little.  We LOVE Aquinas Academy so much and his teacher was so dear to him this year.  She did such a great job with the whole class, and I can’t believe how much he learned in just one year. 


Joe and the awesome Mrs. LaFond


A family shot at Joe’s big event


I got to see Mrs. LaFond in action the next day when the Kindergartners were all invited back to school to participate in field day.


All of the kids were so engaged listening to her.  Thank God for wonderful, loving teachers.

Good bye, Aquinas Academy.  We will miss you terribly!


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