Saturday, February 05, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mom


Scott and the boys insisted on making a cake for me all by themselves.  I must say, that it went a little worse than I expected.  Scott was trying to mix it only using the spatula.  I tried not to interfere, but I just couldn’t help telling him that cake really needed a mixer.

Then, they tried frosting the cake.  I think you can see the issues there.


Finally, I did try to assist the efforts, but parts of the cake could not be salvaged.  Andrew did the ‘marsh-la-low’ decorations (which happened to be left over from Christmas.  yum).  A thing of beauty for any mom!


Scott took the boys to the Milwaukee Bucks game the next night.  Of course, they had to wear their Packers gear in anticipation of the big game tomorrow.  Go Pack Go!


Funny story:  Scott was using the company’s tickets for the evening since they were not reserved for any company business.  They were fantastic seats, only a few rows from the floor and right at center court.  Just a little while into the game, the boys were clamoring to go to the top of the arena where they wanted to watch the game from the nose-bleed seats.  Come on boys!  You have every other game in your life that we will have to pay for to watch from the cheap seats!  It just reminded me of the time that we had just enjoyed a wonderful, slaved-over Christmas dinner when Luke came up to Grandpa and asked when we could go to McDonalds!


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