Thursday, May 22, 2008

80 Cents and a Pair of Tweezers

My children have been doing more than their fair share of watching videos lately. Of course, before having kids, I was totally convinced of the evils of television and "electronic babysitters." Ha ha. That fell by the wayside pretty quickly with the arrival of the twins and my subsequent overwhelm-ment (is that a word?) Things started to go bad about a week before Andrew was born. The DVD player was being fussy and the VCR upstairs wouldn't take any tapes. Finally, Scott and I decided it was time for some new equipment. As we unhooked the old electronics, we would hear rattling inside them. All told, we rescued 80 cents and a pair of my tweezers from them. There is still some rattling, but we can't seem to get anything else out. Unfortunately, this did not improve any of the operations. Oh, well. It was time for some new technology anyway.


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