Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Only one

We are happy to report with medical certainty that we are expecting only one baby. So far everything looks normal from the ultrasound.
This morning, I was explaining to Joseph how mommy and daddy were going to the doctor's office and we were going to get to "see" the baby. I told him they used a special instrument that let us look into my tummy to see the baby inside moving around. "Oh," Joe said, "is it a trumpet?" Totally bewildered, I said, "no, silly goose, it's a baby in there, not a trumpet!" Joe looked confused. "Is it another instrument?" I forgot that I had used that word to explain the ultrasound. What a clever guy.
This ultrasound was something like my 50th one. Four with Joe and one every two weeks with the twins, but every time I see it, it's SO amazing. The baby is about the size of a soda can. They could see different parts of the brain - the two hemispheres were totally obvious, and they could even see all four chambers of the heart. The baby is pretty fully developed. It was covering its face with its forearm for a while, then it gave us a great profile shot that looked like the hand was headed right for its mouth. It even waved its little hand at one point. It was so fun to see the movements on screen that I could feel in my tummy. They could detect the stomach and kidneys, and, of course, all of the skeleton. Beautiful and amazing.
For those of you wondering, no we don't know the gender. I had the tech write it down and seal it in an envelope in case we got really curious, but for now, I would like it to be a surprise. Notice I said "I," Scott's not to excited about waiting to know. I gotta play my trump card on this one, though. He doesn't have to get his stomach sliced open in front of him. :)


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