Monday, November 12, 2007

New things

I’ve been hesitant to post since we are still missing the camera with Halloween pictures on it. Maybe it’s a lost cause and we should just dress everyone up again.

A lot has been going on in the twins’ development lately. They’ve been particularly vocal these past months. Luke loves repeating and does a great job articulating even difficult words. He counted to 11 for me and sings his ABC’s – mostly just imitating the song, he couldn’t say his alphabet, by any means. Luke also seems to be a bit more aggressive than Patrick, but he can now say “I love you” unprompted, usually when giving hugs. Since Patrick is usually the object of his aggression, I was pleased at something Luke did the other night. We had a sitter who had put the boys to bed in the wrong cribs. When Luke woke up when we checked on him, he was very concerned that he had Patrick’s doggy and wouldn’t stop whining about it until I gave it to Patrick. Luke can also whisper now.

Patrick is not quite as articulate just yet – he still needs some serious interpreting, but he tries any word we ask him to. I feel a little bit like a bad mom because I only realized that they have different voices just a few weeks ago. If there is ever laughing and merriment in the tub or in their rooms after naps, for instance, it is almost always instigated by Patrick. He loves being silly and playing games with Luke. They are really starting to get along quite well.

Speaking of getting along, we went to an educational toy store yesterday. They had a big Thomas train set with two other kids already playing. I sat back and watched the three boys choose trains that were not in use and play in areas that were not really in the way of the other kids. No screaming or frustrations, except for a few protests when it was time to go. We also visited a bookstore that had a Bluegrass band performing. The twins “danced” by bobbing up and down. At one point, they were bobbing in unison with the beat but staggered with each other. They looked a little like Oompah’s. The band got a kick out of them as they listened quite contently for three whole songs!


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