Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fig Newton

Things are just clipping along here. The twins are starting to say so much more and string words together to form sentences. They’re favorite sentences: “Where’d Daddy go?” and "My turn!" The other night, Scott and I got the kids' night prayers started and then just listened as Luke “said” all of the names of the people we usually pray for. He didn’t quite pronounce them all right, but the intonation and rhythm was correct – he didn’t miss anyone! Joe prays the other two prayers that complete our litany, the Angel of God and the Hail Mary. We’re working on the Our Father.

The other day, Patrick announced that he had a poopy diaper. By the time I got to his room, he had climbed up on the changing table and way laying there all ready for me. Now, if I could only get him to change the diaper himself…

The new baby is 11 weeks along and is supposed to be the size of a fig (according to The funny thing is, I have NO idea how big a fig is. The only ones I have encountered have been wrapped in a Newton. The reference for a 10 weeker’s size was a kumquat. Frankly, I don’t actually know what that is. Another dumb reference for the folks at BabyCenter (an otherwise okay website)


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