Monday, January 08, 2007


Joe has had a particularly funny day of comments. It all started just as he got out of bed. We were watching the "Letter of the Day" segment of Sesame Street. The letter was "P." Joe piped in with "Oh, 'P'! Pah, pah, poopy diaper!" And, yes, he did indeed have a poopy diaper. Way to know your letters, Joe.
Next, we went to drop off some dry cleaning at the drive through down the street. Once my window was down to talk to the attendant, Joe began yapping away. He apparently thought we were at the McDonald's drive through, and he was giving his order: "Pancakes and apple juice and a toy and fries and cheeseburger..." The nice lady got quite a chuckle when I told her what he was doing.
Finally, we did actually go to McDonald's on our way home. Joe must have had a little crush on the woman that took our order. He kept saying "What a cute lady!" The young woman really loved that. What a charmer.


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