Monday, August 02, 2010

Things are ‘changing’

For the first time in over 6 years, there is not a changing table up in our house!  No, Andrew is not exactly out of diapers yet, but the changing table is too small for him.  We’ll start potty-training when he’s almost three, maybe before then if he’s interested, but mommy isn’t interested yet.  It was just a big change for this family… a little reprieve from baby furniture and toys.  In fact, I need to toss a lot of baby toys around here.  Andrew is only interested in toys that his brothers play with, so the little kid toys get neglected.  Will it be that way for all of the rest of the babies in our family?

Speaking of which, (no, I’m not expecting) for some reason, the older boys have been interested in and asking for another baby in the house.  You would think the twins wouldn’t be such big advocates of new little ones since the little one we have is already making their lives miserable.  Andrew, in typical little brother fashion, is a pro at destroying puzzles, yanking away toys and causing general mayhem during playtime.

In other news, this weekend, we did two fun things:

First of all, we bought a swing set with a fort:


This is not a good picture, and Andrew is in the process of falling off the swing (unhurt), but you get the idea.  It’s a little rough, but we’re replacing old boards and some rusty swings as needed.  It was way cheaper to do this than to get a new one all together.  And, the family threw in a bike that was too small for their youngest.  It was well taken care of, and while it’s a bit big for Joe now, next summer it should be perfect.  Even if it’s not, heck, it was free!


On Sunday, we went to the county fair!  For some reason, we always love the corn pit, so here’s a bunch of shots for you to enjoy:

IMG_0664 Patrick giving himself a corn shampoo.


Andrew loved jumping in.

IMG_0667Hey, Luke!  Whatever you do, don’t move that bucket on your head!

The boys always enjoy checking out the animals, and since we go before the rides are even open for the day, there’s no battles.  Patrick tried his hand at milking a cow…


You can see his anxiety at being so close to dairy!


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