Patrick Luke and Joseph took a T-ball Instruction class this summer. Six weeks, Monday-Thursday for an hour day. Quite a bit for little ones! They never quite got it, as you can see from the above shot – Joe took a big chunk of the tee with him on that one!
The two teenagers running the classes (Tracy pictured above) did an okay job. Again, Luke didn’t quite get it – notice the stance! They decided to put Joe on first base since he was a lefty. This gave him lots of opportunities to be a part of the action.
The twins, well, not so much. They spent the majority of the time, how should we say… adjusting themselves, staring up in the air, sitting in the field and goofing off in line.
One day, Patrick was particularly nutty. He was poking and bumping into all of the little kids in line and generally not paying attention. It was so embarrassing to sit with the other moms and dads and watch my own kid disrupting their lessons. Finally, at the end of the class, the coaches had the kids run the bases. Patrick starts flopping around and running to the base like he was possessed. Perhaps the other parents thought he was handicapped. I could just see the light bulbs going off in their heads, “Gee, I thought he was just being naughty and unruly. But, now I see. How sad.” When the class mercifully ended, I asked Pat what the heck was going on out there. “I was dance running!” Ah, the humiliation.
They all had a game on the last day of practice. The parents were to play with the kids, which made it really fun. One poor kid got up to bat and when he hit it, he fielded his own ball and ran it to first to tag himself out. So, I wasn’t the only parent that left that whole experience a bit embarrassed!
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