Thursday, July 01, 2010

Super Siblings


Andrew:  Knock Knock

Joe:  Who’s there?

Andrew:  Poo Poo

All of the boys:  (uncontrollable laughter)

Once I sternly told him not to say those words, he leaned over to Joe at the dinner table and *whispered* the same joke!  Clever boy.

Does Andrew even know what he is saying??  I think all he knows is that it gets him some big laughs from the audience that means the most to him, his big brothers.

What can you say about siblings?  They must be good for kids, right?  I can see a huge difference in what Andrew does and can do verses what the rest of them could do at that age.  For example, Andrew can pedal a tricycle.  None of the other boys could until they were at least three.

And, just the other day, our little neighbor girl was afraid of her new swing until Andrew took a turn and she saw that it was okay.  Older siblings are great for that – trying stuff out first so we know they’re safe.

Joe’s a great big brother to Andrew.  I send him to find Andrew all of the time!  I even tell Joe to keep an eye on him so I can get a shower in or a little more sleep time when Andrew gets up at 5:30.  (this summer sunshine early in the morning is a killer!)  The twins, well, they’re okay with Andrew.  Not quite as loving as I would like, but they’re very concerned that he follows the rules.  And, even when Andrew hits them (out of frustration because one of them probably stole his toy) they never hit back.  They only just stand there and holler.

I think Andrew will be just as big of a ham as Joe is.  His three favorite words are “watch” “look” and “see”.  For example, he was about to do a ‘trick’ on the couch the other day.  I hear, “Mommy!  Look!  Ooo (you) watchin’?”  He bounces a few times on the couch cushion and plops onto his bottom.  “Ooo see?  Zat funny?”  Yes, Andrew, Mommy saw, and yes, I thought it was funny.

And, just to show how different the siblings can be, Patrick has volunteered to clean up the basement twice now.  This is a HUGE feat for one little boy.  Both times, he spent at least an hour sorting toys and putting everything in it’s place.  Amazing, really.  He said it’s sometimes more fun than playing!  I feel like God has given me a little gift with this new interest of Patrick’s.  Now, if I can only get one of them as interested in cleaning the bathroom.


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