Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy St. Mother's Day!!

Luke has been excited about what he calls “St. Mother’s Day” for a while now.  I couldn’t explain that it was just Mother’s Day, no saint.  Then I figured mothering is great training to be a saint, so I let it stand.


I just had to share with you all the very special Mothers day I had this year.  We’ll start the story in the very beginning… when I first woke up… or, when I was first woken up.  5:30am.  Joe came into our room and whispered to me, “Stay in bed, Mommy, we have a surprise for you!”  “Joe, it’s really early, please go back to bed.”  “Oh, okay.”

Only a half hour later, the house was stirring and Scott gave up sleeping.  The next half hour was an audible blur of pots and bowls clanging, boys fighting, Scott directing… “Andrew, get down!” “No, Joe!  It’s my turn” “I’m next” “Stop that, Luke”  “Someone get the butter out”

Breakfast arrived in shifts.  First Patrick with the kiddy cup of water.  He was so proud of himself.  Next, Luke with the enormous tub of butter.  Into bed with me it went, too.  Finally, the breakfast – half a dozen scrambled eggs and some biscuits that Andrew promptly stole off my plate.  While Scott was cleaning up, Andrew sat on my knees with his mouth open, baby bird style.  Of course, a mother must share!  (Good thing I had so much extra food!)

Next came the gifts.  I’ve included some pictures for you.  The top one says “I love my Mommy because she makes food for me.”  It was from Joe.  I asked him to tell me about it.  “Well, I couldn’t fit in the ground teeth, so I drew your tongue”  He also had a card that had his answers to some basic questions about his mommy.  Some were pretty close, for example:  How much does your mommy weigh?  100 pounds.  (do I hear someone snickering out there?)  and What did your mommy do as a kid?  She ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches (we had just discussed this delicacy a few days earlier)  As to my eye color, Joe responded, Green.  When I read that out loud, he looked at my eyes, and, kind of embarrassed, said, “Oops.  I guessed.”

Below is a picture of the flower pot Joe made for me.  The kids all put their different colored fingerprints on the pot and the art teacher drew in stems, legs and eyes, etc, to make the cutest bugs, mama and baby frogs, butterflies, flowers and even a little sheep – or maybe it’s a dog – not sure (not pictured)



The twins made these foam flower and bee wreaths.  Click on the picture to read the poem.  Precious.  They also brought home some seedlings in Styrofoam cups – Mexican sunflowers.  Sad to say, they didn’t make it.  Sorry, boys!


Scott told Andrew to tell me “Happy Mother’s Day.”  He got a little confused and began singing me “Happy Birthday”  It was cute anyway!

And, as we were getting ready for church, Pat looked at me right in the face and said, most sincerely, “You look kind of beautiful!”  I’ll teach him to drop the “kind of” before he starts dating!

It was a wonderful day of being reminded how lucky I am to be Joe, Patrick, Luke and Andrew’s mommy.  It’s a beautiful life!


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