Friday, March 26, 2010

Star Student

I had to get a shot of our last snow fall. It was beautiful outside, so the kids made a mini snow man. It was so warm that his "face fell off" as Joe lamented.

The split second before daddy got nailed with a snowball.

Patrick was the "star student" for the week in his class. He gets to fill out a poster about himself, be the line-leader, and bring a treat on the last day. But, the best part for Patrick was that he got to bring the big stuffed Curious George home with him the weekend before. Every night, he would dress him in jammies and tuck him into bed. He would also dress him every morning - down to his socks! Precious.

We had big plans to go to the St. Patrick's Day parade, bowling, etc, but the ear infections struck again, so we bummed around at home.

I thought you would enjoy these snowmen that the twins made in class. I thought they were so cute!

So, what's been going on lately? Well, we're all still a bit sick. After a trip to the ER last Thursday for Patrick's 105.6 fever, we learned that he had another ear infection. Then Joe had one a few days ago. And I still seem to have my sinus infection. It's been relentless - almost a full month. Luckily, no one is contagious, so, as long as they are feeling good, they go to school. This makes paying that tuition a little easier!


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