Friday, October 24, 2008

Shh... It's their third birthday!

Since we have already celebrated with Grandma and Papa, and we will be celebrating tomorrow with Grammie and Granddad, we've been kind of mum about it being Patrick and Luke's birthday. In fact,

The boys started the day nice and early with thier first trip to the dentist.
Brave Patrick volunteered to go first. The boys got sunglasses to protect their eyes from flying slobber and toothpaste. The technician then put the seat back and turned on the bright light. It was just like being at the beach, relaxing in a lounger with shades and the bright sun overhead. Here, Patrick is "assisting" the technician with his fingers. Thanks, Patrick!
Luke was the most skeptical, by far. While Patrick was being worked on, he sat by looking very concerned.
The beach analogy did not hold as much delight for him, either. .

He was even skeptical when he met the dentist, Dr. Jim.
However, Luke warmed up when he saw Patrick checking out the goodies drawer.
The clever dentist noticed right away that Patrick still had his binky. He reassured us that within three months, the overbite corrects itself to the way nature intended it. I reassured him that the nuk was slowly disappearing, one little snip from the tip at a time. The first snip was about two weeks ago. We're down about halfway now.
Joe was by far the worst of all of them. He threw a huge fit as soon as he sat in the chair. The good dentist calmly asked me to leave and shut the door behind me. Within a minute, all was quiet, and a few minutes later, he came out smiling. The dentist couldn't get x-rays, though, so we promised to be extra good at flossing.
Final verdict: perfectly healthy teeth! Way to go boys!


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