Monday, September 08, 2008


Patrick can now fasten his own seat belt. Praises be! This is such a relief to me. I can’t wait for them all to be able to do it! The twins can mostly put on their own shoes (Joe is still working on it) and dress themselves, although the socks end up upside down more times than not. Good enough. This is a chore I’m happy to relinquish.

Speaking of chores, the twins have taken over Joe’s chore of sorting the clean silverware into the drawer. Luke especially loves it. I caught him trying to put away the dirty silverware twice one day. This morning, I caught him kissing each fork as he put it into the drawer. Yum!

Luke bounded down the stairs the other day to ask Scott if he could have another jelly bean. I piped in to tell him “After dinner!” Apparently, this wasn’t the answer he was looking for. He hollered back in his best teenage girl tone, “I was talking to DADDY!”

Andrew has some nasal issues. He’s a very boogery little boy. One day, a booger ended up on his forehead. Luke came to tell me: “Mommy! (sounding very concerned) Andrew has nose on his face!”

Luke’s little scar on his forehead is fading a little. Joe noticed and said, “Luke’s boo boo is gone. Now he just looks like Patrick.”

School has been great for Joe. He doesn’t always want to talk about his day, but when he does, it’s pretty cute. He had to bring two small rhyming objects to school today. When I told him to look through his toys to get some ideas, he immediately remembered his green Army guy that Scott just gave him. Here’s his stream of consciousness conversation: “Oh! I know! I’ll take the Army guy. What rhymes with Army guy? Humm… Carmy guy! (very proud of himself) Oh, no. Not Carmy guy. Mommy, what rhymes with Army guy?” In the end, we took a pair of socks and three Duplo blocks.

Every morning, the whole school gathers to say prayers and the pledge. They also mention birthdays and offer a chance for the kids to include special intentions. Scott drops him off and had never stayed for prayers until yesterday. Apparently, Joe says it’s his birthday everyday. “No, I’m just kidding, it’s tomorrow!” Luckily, everyone is very understanding, and there are a few other 4K kids that do the same thing. Also, he raises his hand with an intention everyday: “I want to pray for my Grammie.” Most of the other intentions are pretty cute, too. Today, a little first grader prayed in thanksgiving for her new tooth. I asked Joe about praying for Grammie every day, and he said: “I’ll pray for you tomorrow, Mommy, because I love you.” Heart-warming.


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